Daycare + Pack Socialization

Pack socialization is a supervised “dog park" monitored by dog trainers.

  • Dogs learn & keep up with proper socialization skills involving other dogs.

  • Dogs are off leash and will continue to work on proper recall (coming when called) skills with distractions.

  • Balanced environment where dogs can play with other dogs of different temperaments, breeds and sizes, who have all been previously trained by PDS.

  • Dogs will practice turning on and off exited behaviors. They will learn when to play and when to settle down.


(includes Pack Socialization)

The dogs will get playtimes in the yard, food (if provided), water and down time in the kennel or on place command. Any prior training programs would be kept up with while in daycare. Drop off and pick up times are from 9:15am-9:15pm Monday through Friday. Weekends are available only for overnight boarding.


6-12 hours is enough time to socialize while getting plenty of mental & physical exercise. Breaks will be given, with the dog kenneled or on place command to avoid over stimulation.

  • Half day 9:15am - 4:15pm = $20

  • Full day 9:15am - 9:15pm = $40

*Only full & half day are available as time frames. You can pick up and drop off anytime between the time frames. This does not change the cost. Communicate your drop off/pick up times with trainer & if you will be running late. Please be punctual when dropping off & picking up your dog. 

The PDS Yard