Our Goals for Your Dog

At Pack Dog Social we pride ourselves on creating a specific training program for your dog. Trainers and owners must keep in mind every dog, handler, and household are unique.  PDS is transparent in letting owners know what their individual dog is and is not capable of accomplishing. For instance, an extremely human aggressive dog, may never be able to be pet by strangers. If they have dog aggression, they may never be able to go to the dog park. However, they will be able to co-exist without reactivity and stress. Even with some restrictions, our goal is to make sure the owner has confidence and control to be a safe and trusted leader in their dog’s life.

Our ideal outcome should be reactivity control and creating a calm, stable dog whom owners can trust. This first starts with the dog trusting their owner, to be a committed, consistent leader. In our programs, your dog will learn what behaviors are expected and how to behave in various environments and social situations. The lasting work begins when your dog goes back home, from owners keeping up with what was implemented. We aim to create a training program that will give your dog the best temperament & you the most stress free lifestyle, considering all factors. Here is a list of our goals for each dog, regardless of age, breed, size, or temperament.

  • Basic obedience- Sit, down, out, stay (sit & down stays)

  • Heeling on leash- Left side, loose leash heel; No tension on the leash, no pulling, circling or reacting to distractions on a walk.

  • Kennel training- Being in the kennel without anxiety, pacing, chewing, excessive barking or trying to escape.

  • Place command- Simulates a crate with no doors. Dog will stay on a place board, dog cot, dog bed, vet scale, park bench etc., when given the command “place” and will only come off the area when given the command “free”.

  • Socialization- Displays confidence and respect around people and other animals.

  • Off-leash recall- Coming when called, at a quick speed with no detours.

  • Good behaviors in the home- No chewing, excessive barking, stealing food, begging, turning on and off exited behaviors, etc.

  • No bolting- Waits to walk out of any open door (house, car, vet etc.)

  • No jumping- On people, counters, tables, furniture, other dogs, children, etc.

  • Public manners- Displays a calm demeanor in crowds with distractions. Able to lay & relax in a patio restaurant environment, forest preserves, visiting other homes, pet stores, etc.

  • Potty trained- No accidents in the home, crate, etc.

  • Good temperament- With no fear, anxiety or aggression.

  • Have a job/task- To strengthen and stimulate the body and mind. Snuff/foraging pads, agility, walking with a weighted backpack, advanced obedience commands and many more!