Why is my dog…


Most dogs always act hungry because of natural instincts. Wild dogs think of food as a commodity, never knowing when the next meal was coming. Some neglected dogs that were once starving can develop behavioral issues. Sometimes a sudden demand for food can be a result of behavioral changes or inconsistencies in the home.

Rolling in smelly things

Wild dogs used organic things like dead animal remains or poop to mask their scent and allow them to get closer to prey or they love strong smells because their sense of smell is the strongest.

Eating poop

Also called coprophagia. Puppies will mostly try it because they try and put most things in their mouth. Mothers can eat the poop of puppies to clean up after them. Eating cat poop can be mostly out of boredom or behavioral issues. Dogs sometimes eat their own poop to cover up their tracks, mostly from the owner if in the house and other animals if outside. Dogs can also eat poop because they are trying to supplement their diet. It can come from the food not being of good quality or an underlying health condition.

Butt sniffing

What they are smelling is the “anal sack” the source of chemical secretions that contain a huge amount of info about the dog. (Diet, temperament, mood, age, gender, health issues) The chemical compounds are only half of the communication network. Dogs have a super sensitive receptor in their noses called the Jacobson’s organ, it doesn’t smell anything but the acids in the glands. It is also the same organ they use while sniffing at a tree another dog “went” on. Humans have the same sort of glands dogs do. Unlike anal glands, humans are located in a different place, a.k.a crotch sniffers!

Circling before laying down

They could be just trying to get comfortable, like wild dogs would circle to kick out debris that may poke them, bugs that may bite them, to make the ground more suitable for sleeping. When dogs lay on top or close to one another, they are most likely keeping warm in the pack.

Tail wagging

The height of a tail wag can mean different things. A relaxed tail is a relaxed dog. A tucked tail can mean submission or not offering friendship, since smelling the butt is how they get to know one another. A high tail can be a sign of dominance or excitement. When their hips get involved, that’s really happy!