In Home Training

In home lessons are for dogs with mild temperament, no aggression, fear or high reactivity. These lessons are ideal for owners who are able to be more hands on and work with their dog frequently at home. In home packages are 5 lessons, where ideally, we meet once a week. Owners will be expected to work with their dog in between lessons.

The first lesson is 4 hours. The first 2 hours, you would drop your dog off to the trainer so your dog can be properly and positively introduced to any tools in a neutral environment with no distractions. The last 2 hours of the first lesson, the owner will join the trainer and dog to understand the tools, learn heeling on leash, no bolting out of doors, good behaviors, reinforced “No”, as well as place command.

The remaining 4 lessons are 60-90 minutes.

The second lesson the owner will work hands on with the trainer on heeling on leash and place command with distractions, at the trainers home. We will also take a field trip and work on public manners at a dog friendly store.

The third lesson the owner and dog will learn off leash recall and dog to dog socialization, at the trainers home.

The fourth lesson would be at the owner and dog’s home to “test” everything that has been previously taught, such as no bolting, good behaviors, place command and off leash recall. We will also work on basic obedience, sit, down and stays.

The fifth and final lesson is owners choice to work on anything they may need a recap on, fun tricks or more distraction work. This could be at the owners home, trainers home or in the public.


  • 5 lessons = $600

  • Prong collar = $16-$20

  • Off leash stimulant collar = $200-$280

  • Place board = $20-$80

  • Each additional dog from the same household/owners = $200 (plus cost of tools)